我们意识到,作为一名法律系学生有时会很有挑战性. 波士顿大学法学院 is committed to offering students holistic support to promote overall well-being. Taking care of your physical wellbeing is also an important part of your professional duty to clients. A recent American Bar Association task force defined lawyer wellbeing as follows:

"We define lawyer well-being as a continuous process w在这里by lawyers seek to thrive in each of the following areas: emotional health, 职业追求, 创造性或智力上的努力, 精神上的感觉和生活中更大的目标, 身体健康, 以及与他人的社会联系. 律师福利是律师胜任道德义务的一部分. 它包括律师的责任,使健康, 积极的工作和生活选择,并保持自己的长期幸福."