What is 48hours?

48小时是一个周末的体验,开放给所有有兴趣利用BC的智力优势的一年级学生, social, and spiritual resources. Disrupt your regular routine for a weekend, hear from juniors and seniors about their experiences transitioning to BC, 并对耶稣会教育的可能性和挑战有更全面的了解.

Your First Year

Try to imagine what your first semester of college might be like. Just a short summer removed from high school, you arrive on campus, unpack your bags, and begin your long awaited college experience.

As the weeks and months tick by, 你可能会开始问自己一些学生过渡到大学时会考虑的常见问题:

  • Will I make friends easily?
  • How will I succeed in the classroom?
  • Will I find opportunities to be involved?
  • What will it be like to live away from home for the first time?
  • What kinds of friends and relationships do I want to form at college?
  • How does my identity impact my transition to BC?

To help you navigate this important crossroad, Boston College has established 48hours as a first-year enhancement program. Each year, almost 600 first-year students participate in this three day, two night, weekend experience. 他们压倒性的评价是,它让他们对太阳城网赌平台为其新成员带来的可能性和挑战有了一个现实而坦率的看法.

As a 48hours participant, 你将听到高年级和低年级学生领袖讲述他们自己的大学经历, focusing particularly on their first-year ups and downs.

48hours will offer you opportunities to:

  • Reflect on your transition to college
  • Determine new ways to maximize your time at Boston College
  • Connect with new friends and mentors
  • Relax and have a fun weekend away from campus

What is a 48hours Leader?

On each 48hours weekend, 大约13名高年级学生加入团队,担任领导,协助FYE工作人员将撤退付诸实践. 每个领导被分配到一组一年级的学生,并参与个人讨论, they share the advice and wisdom they have collected over their years at BC.

Working with members of the FYE team, 领导们还将准备并向与会人员介绍他们自己作为一年级学生的经历以及他们在BC的过渡. 这些个人叙述可以单独呈现给静修听众,也可以作为由Leader团队其他成员组成的小组的一部分呈现.

鼓励领导在周末之后与他们的团队保持联系, 帮助提供有价值的建议和友谊基于师徒关系的48小时发起.

What do I need to become a Leader?

  • 48小时领导必须是三年级或四年级的成员-三年级被选为领导的学生如果在大四期间再次申请,则不保证担任该职位.
  • 48小时领导者必须有兴趣指导一年级学生,并愿意分享自己的过渡经验.
  • 48小时领导者必须愿意优先考虑领导者培训会议和退修会的准备,而不是在退修会周末之前的一个月里的其他非学术活动.

What is the 48hours Council?

48小时理事会是一个由12名大二学生组成的咨询小组, which meets bi-weekly for both semesters of the academic school year. The Council works closely with FYE staff in the designing, publicizing, and operating of the 48hours program.

In addition to attending bi-weekly meetings, 理事会成员还负责制定和组织一系列的推广工作,以向一年级的成员推广48小时计划. 这方面的职位要求理事会成员扮演顾问的角色,并依赖于发展市场营销的兴趣, field organizing, and advertising skills. 

最后,每位48小时议员须参加至少一个48小时周末静修.  On each retreat, 理事会将与项目负责人合作,预测所有后勤需求, support the 48hours Leaders, and help maintain enthusiasm throughout the weekend.他们的角色有助于确保项目顺利进行,并为领导提供机会, mentorship, and public speaking development.

What do I need to become a 48hours Council member?

  • 理事会成员在申请担任该职位时必须是一年级第二学期的学生, which occurs during their sophomore year.
  • Council members must have a great attitude—positive, enthusiastic, cooperative, and willing to work very hard.
  • 理事会成员不需要在第一年参加过48小时课程,就可以申请这个职位.

Perspective Gained

Each year, almost 600 first-year students participate in a 48hours weekend. 许多人说,这次经历让他们对太阳城网赌平台给新成员带来的可能性和挑战有了一个现实而坦诚的看法.