方法:《洛尼根太阳城官网》杂志 旨在进一步解释, 历史, 以及哲学的批判性太阳城官网, 神学, 经济, 伯纳德·洛纳根的方法论著作,促进了对科学和学科方法论基础的原创性太阳城官网.

方法 一年出版两次. 订阅可按年提供. 订单中填写的是订购当年出版的所有期刊.

文章必须通过电子邮件附件提交 .医生, .多克斯,或者 .rtf格式发给Mary Elliot 玛丽.franks@obliquido.com. 参赛作品应附有简短的个人简介.

提交的文件必须遵循 风格手册 (芝加哥大学出版社). 其他格式的作品将不被接受,格式正确后将被退回. 《太阳城网赌平台》中提到的任何洛纳根的作品都必须引用该版本, 但也可能引用旧版本.




NS 1.1 – Spring 2010

1 –&“古典主义文化”:一种理想类型的效用与局限&托马斯·J. McPartland

17 –&从偏见到方法:皮尔斯和洛尼根论常识及其局限性&, | Michael Forest

35 –&一些术语保留:“位置”、“转换”、“人”  | Hugo Meynell

45 –&整体与层次&, | David Oyler

55 –&自我占有的内部部分&, | Philip McShane

67 –&分化及其不满&, | Glenn Hughes

NS 1.2 – Fall 2010

85 –&朗纳根和拉纳论见上帝的自然愿望&, | Jeremy Blackwood

105 –&《太阳城官网》&罗翰·M. Curnow

125 –&重建基础:建构主义与建构主义在教育理论与实践中的洞察路径&兰斯·M. Grigg

139 –&黑格尔与洛尼根的异化、不幸意识与自我认识&, | Alicia Jaramillo

163 –&《太阳城官网》&托马斯·J. McPartland

公元前:网站/ lonergan-institute / method-journal-of-lonergan-studies / new-series-volume-1

NS 2.1 – Spring 2011

1 –&自我占有、多态性和 Differénce by James Marsh

13 –&第九功能专业&罗伯特·多兰,S.J.

17 –&海德格尔、洛尼根与存在的概念&, | Michael Sharkey

45 –&法律太阳城官网中的职能专业化与系统分工&, | Patrick Brown

67 –&洛纳根的《太阳城官网》&, | Paul Osslington

79 –&格鲁克、亚里士多德和归纳法&, | Hugo Meynell

89 –&超越激进的特殊主义:对S. 马克•海姆的&,“多元Inclusivism”&, | Nick Olkovich

123 –&评述皮埃罗·兰伯特和菲利普·麦克沙恩, Bernard 朗尼: His Life and Leading Ideas | David Oyle

NS 2.2 – Spring 2011

131 –&恩典,社会&罗伯特。M. 多兰,年代J

143 –&神圣的恩典,提升,和第五层次的意识&杰里米·W. Blackwood

163 –&生活在上帝的艺术中:伯纳德·洛纳根对托马斯意志理论的诠释&, | Christiaan Jacobs-Vandegeer

187 –&人类非偶然参与神的主动激励的假设| Philip McShane

203 –&朗尼企业的概念&, | Michael Vertin

227 – Review of William F. 沙利文&心灵之眼:了解安乐死辩论中的好处&詹姆斯·B. Gerrie

公元前:网站/ lonergan-institute / method-journal-of-lonergan-studies / new-series-volume-2

NS 3.1 - Spring 2012

1 –&有意识的两种方式:心灵转换的概念&罗伯特。M. 多兰,年代J

19 –&对“宗教他者”的思考:重访&,上帝伊酥&根据职能专门化&约翰R. Friday

37&-精灵国的大都会:伯纳德·洛纳根谈G. K. 切斯特顿&保罗·G. Monson

63 –&洛尼根论基督的历史因果关系[j] John Volk

NS 3.2 – Fall 2012

1 –&1968年的十八天:论洛尼根意向性分析的成熟|&,杰里米·W. Blackwood

27 –&形而上学的目的&布莱恩·克罗宁,C.S. Sp.

45 –&使其明确负责:通过罗伯特·布兰登的规范语用学解读洛尼根的“实用主义”&弗朗西斯科. Galan

73 –&伯纳德·洛纳根的“显象”与“科学”形象的调和&, | Brian Mason

89 – Review of Mark Miller,&对上帝与美好生活的追求:洛纳根的神学人类学| Brian Braman

公元前:网站/ lonergan-institute / method-journal-of-lonergan-studies / new-series-volume-3

1.1 – March 1983

1 —&共同体与帝国政治辩证法中的基督教|&,马修·L. Lamb

31 —&朗纳根对类比的早期运用 &, |&,弗雷德里克·E. Crowe,年代.J.

47 —&复杂系统中的涌现 &, | David Oyler

60 —&罗纳德·麦金尼的“洛尼根的辩证法观念”批判.J. &, |&格伦·休斯82 -&哲学的用处 &, |&,马克D. Morelli

88 —&回顾:克拉克E. 科克伦:性格、社会与政治|&泰德·邓恩,S.J.

89 —&书评:威廉·约翰斯顿:《太阳城官网》 John Carmody

93 —&回顾:伯纳德J. 《太阳城网赌平台》 &, |&,罗伯特M. 多兰,年代.J.

93 —&书评:约翰·纳沃尼,S.J. 托马斯·库珀:《太阳城官网》 &, |&,伯纳德J. Tyrrell,年代.J.

96 —&书评:克里斯托弗·巴特勒:基督教之路|&,杰罗姆·米. Dittberner

98 —&书评:斯坦利·罗森:《太阳城官网》 &, | Hugo Meynell

1.2 – October 1983

101 — 朗尼’s Notion of Belief | J. Fitzpatrick

114 — Confrontation and Understanding in the Foundations of Political Philosophy | Geoffrey Price

134 — Education for Cosmopolis | Robert M. Doran

158 — The Development and the Unity of 朗尼’s Notion of Conversion | Michael L. Rende

174 — Foundation and Empiricism: An Exercise in Dialectic | Hugo Meynell

195 — A Reply from the Clapham Omnibus | James G. Hanink

198 — A Reply to James G. Hanink | Hugo Meynell

201 — A Worthy Fellow Wonders | James G. Hanink

204 — Drama and Meaning | William A. 斯图尔特,年代.J.

214 — F.R. Leavis: A Memoir Sebastian Moore

Terry J. Tekippe Ed.: Papal Infallibility: An Application of 朗尼’s Theological Method

223 — On Learning From An Error | Vernon Gregso

公元前:网站/ lonergan-institute / method-journal-of-lonergan-studies /第一卷

10.1 – Spring 1992

1 — Method in Catholic Theology | Bernard J.F. 朗尼

27 — 朗尼 and the Later Wittgenstein | Joseph Fitzpatrick

51 — A Perhaps Permanently Valid Achievement: 朗尼 on Christ’s Satisfaction | Charles C. 举起,小.

10.2 – Fall 1992

77 — Post-Analytic Philosophy: Its Causes and Its Cure | Hugo Meynell

89 — The Critique of Reason&迈克尔·H. McCarthy

127 — The Jesuit University as Counter-Culture | Joseph Flanagan, S.J.

147 — The Incompatibility of Intuition and the Constitution in Husserl’s The Idea of Phenomenology (1907) | William F. 瑞安,年代.J.

公元前:网站/ lonergan-institute / method-journal-of-lonergan-studies / 1

11.1 – Spring 1993

1 — Analytic Concept of History | Bernard J.F. 朗尼

37 — Cosmopolis: Bourget’s and 朗尼’s | David A. Nordquest

51 — Consciousness and Grace | Robert M. Doran

77 — Towards a Systematic Understanding of the Vision in Christ | Terry J. Tekippe

11.2 – Fall 1993

103 — Analogical Knowledge of God and the Value of Moral Endeavor | Patrick H. Byrne

137 — Comparative Law as Shock Treatment | Mary Ann Glendon

155 — 朗尼 and Analytic Philosophy of History | Andrew Beards

199 — A 朗尼ian Critique of the Pragmatic Method of Education | Christopher Gilbert

215 — Moral Decision – Making and the Role of the Moral Question | Kenneth R. Melchin

229 — A Critique of Jerome Miller’s Interpretation of 朗尼 on Knowing and Being | Michael P. 麦克斯韦,小.

243 — No Mean Act of Self-Transcendence | Mark D. Morelli

公元前:网站/ lonergan-institute / method-journal-of-lonergan-studies / volume-11

12.1 – Spring 1994

1 — 朗尼 on Consciousness: Is There a Fifth Level? | Michael Vertin

37 — Reading as Understanding | Joseph Fitzpatrick

63 — Democratic Multicultures and Cosmopolis: Beyond the Aporias of the Politics of Identity and Difference | Martin J. Matustik

91 — Objective Chance: 朗尼 and Peirce on Scientific Generalization | Vincent G. 波特,年代.J.

109 — A Reply to Michael Maxwell | Jerome Miller

12.2 – Fall 1994

Symposium: 朗尼’s “Philosophy and Religious Phenomenon”

121 — Philosophy and the Religious Phenonmenon | Bernard J.F. 朗,年代.J.

147 — 朗尼’s Universalist View of Religion | Frederick E. Crowe,年代.J.

181 — 朗尼’s “Philosophy and the Religious Phenomenon”: A Commentary | Cynthia S.W. Crysdale

205 — Theological Reflections on “Philosophy and the Religious Phenomenon” | Bernard McGinn

215 — Post-Hegelian Elements in 朗尼’s Philosophy of Religion | Elizabeth A. Morelli

239 — Religious Studies Methodology: Bernard 朗尼’s Contribution | Philip Boo Riley

251 — God with/out Being | John van den Hengel, S.C.J.

281 — What Did 朗尼 Really Say about Aquinas’ Theory of the Will? | J. Michael Stebbins

307 — Shorter Reviews

公元前:网站/ lonergan-institute / method-journal-of-lonergan-studies /第12卷

13.1 – Spring 1995

1 — ‘Town Criers of Inwardness’ or Reflections on Rorty | Joseph Fitzpatrick

35 — General Method | Philip McShane

53 — “All Love is Self-Surrender” | Jerome Miller

83 — Deconstruction or Genuineness: A Response to Jerome Miller | Michael P. 麦克斯韦,小.

89 — Kant and 朗尼 on Insight Into the Sensible | Giovanni B. Sala

99 — Towards the Re-Horizoning of Subjects: Re-Structuring Classical-Modern Educational Perspectives | Frank Braio

13.2 – Fall 1995

111 — Consciousness and Normative Subjectivity: 朗尼’s Unique Foundational Enterprise | Thomas J. McPartland

131 — Consciousness: Levels, Sublations, and the Subject as Subject | Patrick H. Byrne

151 — Revisiting ‘Consciousness and Grace’ | Robert M. Doran

161 — Being in Love | Tad Dunne

177 — Consciousness and the Metaphor of Distance: Remarks from Winter Twilight | Timothy Lynch

187 — Edmund Husserl and the ‘Rätsel’ of Knowledge | William F. 瑞安,年代.J.

221 — Judgments of Value, for the Later 朗尼 | Michael Vertin

公元前:网站/ lonergan-institute / method-journal-of-lonergan-studies / 13卷

14.1- Spring 1996

1 — Affectional Conversion: A Distinct Conversion or Potential Differentiation in the Spheres of Sensitive Psychic and/or Affective Conversion? | Bernard Tyrrell

37 — The Operational Situation | David Oyler

55 — Newman on Apprehansion, Notional, and Real | Charles Hefling

85 — Kant’s Anomolous Insights | William Mathews

99 — Conversion and Objectivity | Joseph Komonchak

107 — Book Reviews

14.2 – Fall 1996

117 — The Notion of Structure | Bernard 朗,年代.J.

133 — The African University and the Social Sciences: The Contribution of 朗尼’s Epistemological Theory | Patrick Giddy

155 — Concupiscence and Benevolence in the Thomistic Epistemology of Maritain, 朗尼, and Rahner | Eileen Grieco

183 — Engaged Agency and the Notion of the Subject | Jim Kanaris

201 — Literary Theory-What is to be Done? | Hugo Meynell

217 — Book Review

公元前:网站/ lonergan-institute / method-journal-of-lonergan-studies /增长

15.1 – Spring 1997

1 — Editor’s Introduction | Frederick Crowe,年代.J.

5 — Moral Theology and the Human Sciences | Bernard 朗,年代.J.

21 — Process Medical Ethics: A Contribution Towards an Adequate 朗尼 Position | Miguel Bedolla

29 — Suspicion and Recovery | Eileen DeNeeve

51 — 朗尼, Economics, and Moral Theology | Peter Burley

57 — 朗尼 and Gagnepain: The Human Sciences in Question | Thomas Ewens

91 — A Psychoanalytic Commentary on 朗尼’s ‘Moral Theology and the Human Sciences’ | William Meissner

15.2 – Fall 1997

111 — Towards a New Critical Center | Michael McCarthy

135 — Calculating Subjects: 朗尼, Derrida, and Foucault | Jim Kanaris

151 — Current Views on Legal Reasoning: The Problem of Communication | Bruce Anderson

169 — Common Sense, Space, and the Problem of Troubled Consciousness | Kevin McGinley

191 — Faith Development: Fowler and 朗尼 Revisited | Neil Ormerod

209 — Book Reviews

公元前:网站/ lonergan-institute / method-journal-of-lonergan-studies / volume-15

16.1 – Fall 1998

1 — Editor’s Introduction | Frederick E. Crowe

5 — “Variations in Fundamental Theology” | Bernard J.F. 朗,年代J

25 — Schleiermacher’s Epistemology | Louis Roy, OP

47 — The Role of Cognitive Reflection in Bernard 朗尼’s Moral Theology | James Swindal

67 — Book Reviews

16.2 – Spring 1998

83 — The Scope of Renewal | Bernard J.F. 朗,年代J

103 — What Do I Do When I Paint? | Tad Dunne

133 — A Biographical Perspective on Conversion and the Functional Specialties in 朗尼 | William Mathews, SJ

公元前:网站/ lonergan-institute / method-journal-of-lonergan-studies / volume-16

17.1 – Spring 1999

1 — Mutilating Desire? 洛纳根与努斯鲍姆:辩证法的相遇|布赖恩·J·鲍姆. Braman

27 — Rhyme and Reason: On 朗尼’s Foundation For Works of the Spirit | Frederick E. Crowe,年代J

47 — Healing and Creating in the Work of Martha Nussbaum | Paulette Kidder

61 — Human Knowing: Passivity, Experience, and Structural Actuation | Tim Lynch

17.2 – Fall 1999

97 — Nonviolence, Creation, Healing | Mark J. Doorley

111 — Macro经济 Dynamics and the Work of Nations: 朗尼 and Reich on the 全球 Economy | Paul Hoyt-O’Connor

133 — Human Knowing: Passivity, Experience, and Structural Actuation | Tim Lynch

171 — 朗尼’s Unified Theory of Consciousness | Mark D. Morelli

公元前:网站/ lonergan-institute / method-journal-of-lonergan-studies / volume-17

18.1 – Spring 2000

1 — Oversight of Insight and the Critique of the Metaphysics of Presence | Elizabeth Murray Morelli

17 — Presence and Differentiation: A Response to Elizabeth Morelli’s “Oversight of Insight” | Paul St. Amour

27 — The First Chapter of De Deo Trino: Pars Systemiatica: The Issues | Robert M. 多兰,年代J

49 — Pointing Discussions of Interpretation Towards Dialectics: Some Comments on Michael Vertin’s Paper “Is There a Constitutional Right of Privacy?” | Bruce Anderson

67 — For a Phenomenology of Rational Consciousness | Frederick E. Crowe,年代J

91 — Book Review: Redirecting Philosophy: Reflections on the Nature of Knowledge from Plato to 朗尼 by Hugo Meynell | Brian Braman

18.2 – Fall 2000

95 — 朗尼, the Integral Postmodern? | Fred Lawrence

123 — Whe Pragmatism and Instrumentalism Collide: 朗尼’s Resolution of the Pierce/Dewey Debate on Theory and Practice in Science | Antonia Galdos

145 — On Insight, Objectivity, and the Pathology of Families | Russell J. Sawa and Hugo Meynell

161 — Interpreting the Constitution: A Response to Bruce Anderson | Michael Vertin

179 — Judgment, 现实, and Dissociative Consciousness | Robert Henman

公元前:网站/ lonergan-institute / method-journal-of-lonergan-studies / volume-18

19.1 – Spring 2001

1 –Translator’s Introduction | Michael Shields

3 — The Notion of Sacrifice | Bernard 朗,年代J

29 — Appendix: Three Drafts on the Idea of Sacrifice | Bernard 朗,年代J

35 — Intelligentia Fidei in De Deo Trino, Pars Systematica | Robert M. 多兰,年代J

85 — 朗尼 and the Completion of American Philosophy | Patrick Madigan

101 — A Woman of Common Sense Addresses the High Culture | Thérèse Mason

113 — 朗尼’s Notion of Speculative Theology | Mark Mealy

143 — 朗尼 and Taylor: A Critical Integration | Nicholas Plants

19.2 – Fall 2001

173 – “Stare at a Triangle…”: A Note on How to Get and Insight and How Not To | Frederick E. Crowe,年代.J.

181 – Returning to the Religious Subject: 朗尼 and Eliade | John D. Dadosky

203 – Elevating Insight: Space-Time as Paradigm Problem | Philip McShane

231 – Clearing the Ground: How to Think about Realism and Antirealism | Paul Templeman

253 – Transcendental Philosophy and Linguistic Philosophy | Michael Verti

公元前:网站/ lonergan-institute / method-journal-of-lonergan-studies / volume-19

2.1 – March 1984

1 — The Mediation of Christ in Prayer | Bernard 朗尼

21 — Transcendental Deduction: A 朗尼ian Meaning and Use | Frederick E. Crowe

41 — On Learning From An Error: A Response to Vernon Gregson | Terry J. Tekippe

49 — Review: Lester C. Thurow: Dangerous Currents — The State of Economics | Eileen de Neeve

59 — Review — John C. Kelly: A Philosophy of Communication | Garrett Barden

2.2 – October 1984

1 — Questionnaire on Philosophy | Bernard 朗尼

3 — Strawson and 朗尼 on ‘Person’ | Joseph Fitzpatrick

4 — Review — Alan Olson (Ed.): Myth, Symbol and 现实 | Fred Lawrence

4 — Review — Denise L. 约翰·T. Carmody: Ways to The Center | Philip Boo Riley

4 — Review — Eugene Thomas Long (Ed.《太阳城官网》|詹姆斯. Hanink

5 — Review — William J. 凯利(Ed.《太阳城官网》|迈克尔·C. O’Callaghan

公元前:网站/ lonergan-institute / method-journal-of-lonergan-studies /第2卷


1 –&,一个朗尼ian&, Kritik&进化科学与宗教意识:结构的同构性, 活动, 分析|&Rose玛丽 Juel Bertocci和Francis H. Rohlf

21 –&太阳城官网:以伽利略太阳城官网为例|&,帕特里克·H. Byrne

33 –&神学认识的真理&, Divinarum Personarum&,和&De Deo Trino, Par Systematica | Robert M .. 多兰,年代.J.

77 –&伯纳德·洛纳根致托马斯·奥马利&戈登·瑞克森,S.J.

115 – Book Review


121 –&译者简介|&迈克尔·希尔兹,S.J.

125 –&信仰分析|&伯纳德·洛纳根,S.J.

155 –&人类知爱中的欲望问题| Beth Beshear

175 –&洛纳根在理解的边缘|&,弗雷德里克·E. Crowe,年代.J.

199 –&现代哲学与对主体的逃避| Hugo Meynell

公元前:网站/ lonergan-institute / method-journal-of-lonergan-studies / volume-20


1 –&英国现实主义对理想主义的回应与洛纳根的批判现实主义|&,马克D. Morelli

25 –&超越主体| Nicolas Plants

47 –&我们能把神秘主义主题化吗? |&路易斯·罗伊,O.P.

67 –&接受与实现:我人生的两个阶段| Michael Vertin


87 –&编者按|&,弗雷德里克·E. Crowe,年代.J.

89 –&恩典与圣. 伊格内修斯|&,伯纳德J. F. 朗,年代.J.

107 –&跨越意义领域的超越语言| Glenn Hughes

125 –&[font =宋体]《太阳城网赌平台》&,理查德M. Liddy

145 –&灵长类动物学的内在性与挑战[j] Daniel Mayer

公元前:网站/ lonergan-institute / method-journal-of-lonergan-studies / volume-21


1 — A Note on the Prefaces of Insight | F.E. Crowe,年代.J.

3 — The Original Preface | Bernard 朗尼

9 — 朗尼’s Economics | William Mathews, S.J.

31 — Reversing Rorty | Hugo Meynell

49 — Review — Price Markups and Moral Decline: A Review of An Inquiry into the Poverty of Economics by Charles K. 威尔伯和肯尼斯P. 詹姆森|约翰·F. Maguire

公元前:网站/ lonergan-institute / method-journal-of-lonergan-studies / volume-22

3.1 – March 1985

1 — A Note on the Prefaces of Insight | F.E. Crowe,年代.J.

3 — The Original Preface | Bernard 朗尼

9 — 朗尼’s Economics | William Mathews, S.J.

31 — Reversing Rorty | Hugo Meynell

49 — Review — Price Markups and Moral Decline: A Review of An Inquiry into the Poverty of Economics by Charles K. 威尔伯和肯尼斯P. 詹姆森|约翰·F. Maguire

3.2 – October 1985

1 — A Note on 朗尼’s Dissertation and its Introductory Pages | Frederick E. Crowe

9 — The Gratia Operans Dissertation: Preface and Introduction | Bernard 朗尼

47 — Appendix 1: 朗尼’s “List of Chapters”

48 — Appendix 2: Notes Prefixed to “Excerpta” from the Dissertation

51 — Turning Liberalism Inside Out | Charles C. 小Hefling.
《太阳城网赌平台》述评. Lindbeck.

公元前:网站/ lonergan-institute / method-journal-of-lonergan-studies /著作

4.1 – March 1986

1 — 朗尼 and the Philosophy of Religion | David B. Burrell

6 — The Discussion of Mystery in Insight | Glenn Hughes

18 — Lindbeck’s Appropriation of 朗尼 | Dennis M. Doyle

29 — 朗尼 and the Husserlian Problem of Transcendental Intersubjectivity | Paul Kidder

4.2 – October 1986

55 — Self-Knowledge and the Interpretation of Imaginal Expression | Robert M. Doran

85 — Insight and Mirrors | Garrett Barden

105 — Reply to Garrett Barden | Hugo Meynell

108 — Rorty and the Mirror Images in St. 托马斯|丹尼尔·A. Dombrowski

115 — Kenny and 朗尼 on Aquinas | Andrew Beards

公元前:网站/ lonergan-institute / method-journal-of-lonergan-studies /第4卷

5.1 – March 1987

1 — The Origins of Christian Realism | Bernard 朗尼

13 — ‘Verification’: A Survey of 朗尼’s Usage | Des O’Grady, S.J.

41 — Theology and Public Policy: Method in the Work of Segundo, Ellul and Doran | Darrell J. Fasching

5.2 – October 1987

1 — Ubersicht as Oversight: Problems in Wittgenstein’s Later Philosophy | Andrew Beards

18 — Matthew Arnold Re-Applied (1) | Joseph Fitzpatrick

39 — Foundations of Ethics | William E. Murnion

58 — Mysterium Tremendum | Peter J. Drilling

公元前:网站/ lonergan-institute / method-journal-of-lonergan-studies /第5卷

6.1 – March 1988

Papers Presented at the Third Annual Meeting of the West Coast Methods Institute, 圣克拉拉大学, March 1987

1 — 朗尼 and Existentialism | Mark D. Morelli

18 — Dread and the Horizon of Existence | Thomas J. McPartland

28 — On Horizon and Dread: Thoughts from Jaspers, Frankl, and 朗尼 | W.F.J. 瑞安,年代.J.

50 — The Appropriation of Existential Consciousness | Elizabeth A. Morelli

63 — Imaginal Horizons | Glenn Hughes

6.2 – October 1988

69 — Matthew Arnold Re-Applied (2) | Joseph Fitzpatrick

93 — From Crisis to Insight | Hugo Meynell

107 — B.F. Skinner’s Radical Behaviorist Theory of the Cognitive Dimension of Consciousness: A 朗尼ian Critique | Larry Cooley

138 — Books Received

公元前:网站/ lonergan-institute / method-journal-of-lonergan-studies / volume-6

7.1 – March 1989

1 — What is a Thing for 朗尼? | Paul Kidder

18 — Hayes’ Radical Behaviorist Explanation of the Cognitive Dimension of Consciousness: A 朗尼ian Critique | Larry Cooley

31 — The Cognitive Functions of Feelings | David Oyler

51 — The Structures of Interpersonal Relationships | Steven Wentworth Arndt

71 — Doctrines, 实践与批判神学:对查尔斯·戴维斯“选择”的解读与批判. Hammond

7.2 – October 1989

95 — The Influence of Newman’s Doctrine of Assent on the Thought of Bernard 朗尼 | David M. Hammond

116 — 朗尼 and the Catholic University | Richard M. Liddy

132 — Sources of Value | Garrett Barden

141 — Human Development: From Below Upward and From Above Downward | Maurice Schepers, O.P.

公元前:网站/ lonergan-institute / method-journal-of-lonergan-studies /第七卷

8.1 – March 1990

1 — A Conversation with Hans-Georg Gadamer | Michael Baur

14 — A Contribution to the Gadamer – 朗尼 Discussion | Michael Baur

24 — 朗尼 and Educating for Ministry: A Construction | Don Thompson

48 — The Notion of the Transcultural in Bernard 朗尼’s Theology | Matthew Lamb

74 — Curiosity at the Center of One’s Life | William Mathews

89 — The Third World and Bernard 朗尼 | Eileen De Neeve

94 — Transcendental – Phenomenological Retrieval and Critical Theory | Martin Matustik

8.2 – October 1990

106 — On Knowing and Naming | Andrew Beards

129 — Thomas Aquinas and the Will: A Note on Interpretation | Frederick E. Crowe

135 — Baur’s “Conversation with Hans-Georg Gadamer” and “Contribution to the Gadamer – 朗尼 Discussion”: A Reaction | Fred Lawrence

152 — Review — Jean-Marc Laporte, S.J.《太阳城网赌平台》|路易斯·罗伊,O.P.

公元前:网站/ lonergan-institute / method-journal-of-lonergan-studies /八

9.1 – March 1991

1 — Reconstruction, Dialectic and Praxis | Patrick Riordan

23 — Concepts of Culture: 朗尼 and the Anthropologists | Dennis Klein

44 — Learning from 朗尼 at Eleven | T.V. Daly

63 — Review — William J. Danaher: Insight in Chemistry | Frank Budenholzer

70 — A Note on a Note: Response to Crowe | Terry Tekippe

71 — A Call for Papers on 朗尼 and Communication

9.2 – October 1991

72 — Twine in the Labyrinth: 朗尼, 不相关的, and the Horizon of Three Pluralisms | Frank Paul Braio

134 — 朗尼’s PANTON ANAKEPHALAIOSIS: Editor’s Preface | F.E. 克劳和R.M. Doran


公元前:网站/ lonergan-institute / method-journal-of-lonergan-studies /第九册