
The work of distinguished writers, scholars, 艺术ists will be showcased on campus this semester

A wide range of leading voices in the humanities—representing social history, 艺术, 诗歌, 心理学, 社会学, more—will be welcomed to campus this fall by the venerable 太阳城网赌平台 洛厄尔人文系列, 从9月11日开始.

“像往常一样, 我们的目标是人文学科的各个领域, I'm especially thrilled that almost all of our speakers work in multiple genres or address more than one discipline,历史学教授西尔维娅Sellers-García说, who now leads the series following an interim directorship during the last academic year. “These talented thinkers demonstrate how some of the most influential work in the humanities is not neatly contained by disciplinary boundaries.

“随着即将到来的总统选举, I was hoping to feature speakers that could address politics in imaginative ways,她补充道。. “Orna Guralnik's lecture will focus on how politics affects our interpersonal relationships, 鲁本·乔纳森·米勒 will address the important topic of voting rights. I hope this year's lectures will stimulate rewarding conversations both in 和 out of the classroom.”  

All events—which are co-sponsored by a number of University dep艺术ments, 项目, 晚上7点开始.m. 将在Gasson 100举行.




A social historian of early modern 和 modern Japan with special interests in global history, 妇女和性别史, 和叙事, 斯坦利是韦恩·V. Jones Research Professor of History at Northwestern University. 她最近的一本书, 《幕府之城的陌生人:一个日本女人和她的世界, won the biography categories of the National Book Critics Circle Award 和 PEN/America Jacqueline Bograd Weld Award, 曾入围普利策奖.

她还著有 Selling Women: Prostitution, Markets, the Household in Early Modern Japan的文章 《美国历史评论》,《日本太阳城官网杂志》, 亚洲太阳城官网杂志.

Stanley has held fellowships at the Guggenheim Foundation, Japan Foundation, Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission, National Endowment for the Humanities.

Cosponsored by the BC History Dep艺术ment 和 the Asian 美国太阳城官网项目.




A Belfast native, Duffy is one of Irel和's groundbreaking visual 艺术ists. 她的公共艺术项目包括 解冻,灵感来自贝尔法斯特船 《太阳城网赌平台》, which explored Belfast’s relationship with the iceberg 和 aimed to connect local experiences of colonialism 和 sectarianism with a universal climate crisis.

In 2011, 她获得了到母校工作的奖学金, 阿尔斯特大学, 在过渡时期司法太阳城官网所. She was honored for her contribution to visual 艺术s in Irel和 和 elected to Aosdana, 爱尔兰的“艺术之人”.” In 2024, she was appointed the Charlotte Maxeke-Mary Robinson Irish South Africa Research Chair at the University of the Western Cape in South Africa. 最近的项目包括 软化边界筏子. She has held residencies at Trinity College Dublin 和 the Irish Museum of Modern Art. 她的作品被世界各地的博物馆和私人收藏, while her public 艺术 projects continue to grow 和 explore issues of female identity, 历史与政治, 和边界.

Cosponsored by Irish Studies at 太阳城网赌平台 和 the Art, Art History, Film Dep艺术ment.




邓吉四部诗集中最新的一部, 营养级联她获得了科罗拉多州图书奖. 她也是散文集的作者 《土壤:一位黑人母亲花园的故事Guidebook to Relative Strangers: Journeys into Race, Motherhood 和 History她是美国国家图书评论圈奖(National Book Critics Circle Award)的决赛选手. 她编辑的选集包括 Black Nature: Four Centuries of African American Nature Poetry.

2019年古根海姆太阳城官网员, her other honors include National Endowment for the Arts fellowships, 美国图书奖, 两项全国有色人种协进会影像奖提名, 以及两项赫斯顿/赖特遗产奖提名. 邓吉的诗曾在 最佳美国诗歌, 100首最好的非裔美国诗歌, 手推车选集,以及其他许多选集. She is a University Distinguished Professor at Colorado State University.

太阳城网赌平台诗歌日系列共同赞助, 美国太阳城官网项目, 及英语系.

Orna Guralnik

Orna Guralnik

Orna Guralnik

纽约的临床心理学家和精神分析学家, Guralnik is on the faculty at New York University 和 at the National Institute for the Psychotherapies, where she teaches courses on the trans-generational transmission of trauma, 社会政治/意识形态和精神分析, 和分离. She lectures 和 publishes on topics of couples’ treatment 和 culture, 分离和人格解体, 文化和精神分析.

古拉尔尼克是 精神分析的对话 与性别太阳城官网 & 性 和 co-founder of the Center for the Study of Dissociation 和 Depersonalization at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. She has completed the filming of several seasons of Showtime’s documentary series 夫妻治疗.

Cosponsored by the 太阳城网赌平台 Center for Psychological Humanities & 道德.




MacArthur fellow 和 sociologist at the University of Chicago’s Crown Family School of Social Work, 政策及实务, 米勒是 Halfway Home: Race, Punishment, Afterlife of Mass Incarceration. As a chaplain at Cook County Jail in Chicago 和 a sociologist studying mass incarceration, 他与囚犯共处多年, 曾经被监禁的人, 他们的家人和朋友, to underst和 the lifelong burden that even a single arrest can entail. His work reveals that life after incarceration is its own form of prison.

Miller also is an American Bar Foundation research professor 和 has been a member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, 新泽西, 新美国和洛克菲勒基金会的太阳城官网员, University of Texas at Austin 和 D艺术mouth College visiting scholar.

由PULSE服务学习项目共同赞助, 温斯顿领导与道德中心, 美国种族正义论坛, 社会学系.




著有34本书, 蒙哥马利写了剧本, 导演, appeared in the National Geographic segments “Spell of the Tiger” 和 “Mother Bear Man.她最近的一本书, 章鱼的秘密, is the companion to National Geographic’s 2024 miniseries of the same name.

她的其他著作包括 The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration into the Wonder of Consciousness2015年美国国家图书奖非虚构类入围作品, The Good Good Pig, How To Be A Good Creature: A Memoir in Thirteen Animals, 成为一个好动物. 她的儿童读物包括 Quest for the Tree Kangaroo: An Expedition to the Cloud Forest of New Guinea鸮鹦鹉救援:拯救世界上最奇怪的鹦鹉, 哪部电影获得了希尔伯特奖.

She has won the New Engl和 Independent Booksellers Association Nonfiction Award, 儿童图书协会非小说类奖项, 以及亨利·伯格非虚构类奖项.  

The 洛厄尔人文系列 is sponsored by the Lowell Institute, 太阳城网赌平台的文理学院, 以及教务长和院长办公室.

所有活动均免费向公众开放. 他们会出现在Eventbrite上, an event management 和 ticketing website; there also will be the option to scan a QR code at the door. 

For more information about the 洛厄尔人文系列, visit obliquido.com/lowell.