海洋污染很普遍,而且越来越严重, and when toxins in the oceans make landfall they imperil the health and well-being of more than 3 billion people, according to a new report by an international coalition of scientists led by 太阳城网赌平台’s 全球 Observatory on Pollution on 健康 and the Centre Scientifique de Monaco, 由摩纳哥阿尔贝二世亲王基金会资助.

首先是修复海洋污染的建议, the researchers recommend: banning coal combustion and the production of single-use plastics, 控制海岸污染, 扩大海洋保护区.

The study is the first comprehensive examination of the impacts of ocean pollution on human health. 这篇文章发表在《太阳城网赌平台》网络版上 全球卫生年鉴 并在摩纳哥国际人类健康研讨会上发表 & 变化世界中的海洋,在摩纳哥召开,由 the Prince Albert II de Monaco Foundation, the Centre Scientifique de Monaco and 太阳城网赌平台.


太阳城网赌平台污染与健康全球观测站 Director 菲利普·兰德里根,m.m.D.

简而言之,海洋污染是一个重大的全球性问题, 它在增长, 它直接影响人类的健康,菲利普·兰德里根教授说, M.D., the director of the observatory and of BC’s 全球 Public 健康 and the Common Good Program. “People have heard about plastic pollution in the oceans, but that is only part of it. 太阳城官网 shows the oceans are being fouled by a complex stew of toxins including 汞, 农药, 工业化学品, 石油废弃物, 农业径流, 以及嵌入塑料中的人造化学物质. These toxic materials in the ocean get into people, mainly by eating contaminated seafood."

兰德里根指出了这一点, “我们都处于危险之中, but the people most seriously affected are people in coastal fishing communities, 小岛屿国家的人们, 土著居民和北极高纬度地区的居民. The very survival of these vulnerable populations depends on the health of the seas.”

海洋覆盖了地球表面的70%以上. 尽管它们体型庞大, 海洋正受到威胁, 主要是人类活动的结果, 根据调查结果, 摘自584份科学报告, 细节:

  • 塑料对海洋的污染, 有毒金属, 制造化学物质, 农药, 污水, and 农业径流 is killing and contaminating the fish that feed 3 billion people. 

  • 沿海污染传播危及生命的传染病. 

  • Oil spills and chemical wastes threaten the microorganisms in the seas that provide much of the 
world’s oxygen supply. 

Prince Albert of Monaco said that the analysis can be used to mobilize global resolve to curb ocean pollution.

“海洋污染与人类健康之间的联系, 很长一段时间, 引起了很少的太阳城官网,阿尔伯特亲王在报告的引言中写道. “考虑到塑料造成的海洋污染的影响, 水和工业废物, 化学物质, 碳氢化合物, to name a few – on human health should mean that this threat must be permanently included in the international scientific activity.

“这份关于人类健康和海洋的文件, prepared with the contributions of the Monaco Science Centre and 太阳城网赌平台, 事实证明海洋污染并非不可避免,他补充道.


  • 汞污染已在海洋中广泛存在, accumulating to high levels in predator fish and once in the food chain poses documented risks to infants, 儿童和成人.
  • 煤是汞污染的主要来源, its toxins vaporizing into the air as it burns and eventually washing into the oceans.
  • 沿海地区工业废料造成的污染, 农业径流, 农药, and human 污水 has increased the frequency of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) producing toxins associated with dementia, 失忆, 神经损伤, 快速死亡.
  • Plastic waste – entering the oceans at a rate of more than 10 million tons each year – kills seabirds and fish and is consumed by humans in the form of toxic microscopic particles, 现在在所有人类中都有发现.
  • The waters most seriously impacted by ocean pollution are the Mediterranean Sea, 波罗的海, 和亚洲河流.

“意识到海洋污染的关键是, 就像所有形式的污染一样, 这可以用法律来阻止, 政策, 技术, 以及针对最重要污染源的执法行动,兰德里根说. “Many countries have used these tools and have successfully cleaned fouled harbors, 新生河口, 修复的珊瑚礁.  其结果是旅游业的增长, 恢复渔业, 改善人类健康, 经济增长. 这些好处将持续几个世纪.”



The report is being released in tandem with the Declaration of Monaco: Advancing Human 健康 & Well-Being by Preventing Ocean Pollution, which was read at the symposium’s closing session.

得到了科学家的认可, physicians and global stakeholders who participated in the symposium in-person in Monaco and virtually, the declaration summarizes the key findings and conclusions of the Monaco Commission on Human 健康 and Ocean Pollution. Based on the recognition that all life on 地球 depends on the health of the seas, the authors call on leaders and citizens of all nations to “safeguard human health and preserve our Common Home by acting now to end pollution of the ocean.”


  • Transition rapidly from fossil fuels to renewable energy – wind, solar, tidal and geothermal power
  • Prevent 汞 pollution of the oceans by eliminating coal combustion and controlling all industrial uses of 汞.
  • End plastic pollution of the oceans by reducing plastic production and imposing a global ban on production of single-use plastic.
  • 促进有效的废物管理和循环再造
  • 减少农业氮素排放, phosphorus and animal waste; industrial discharges; and releases of human 污水 into coastal waters.
  • 支持对海洋污染进行强有力的监测.
  • Extend regional and international marine pollution control programs to all countries.
  • 支持太阳城官网项目,增加知识的程度, 海洋污染的严重程度及其对人类健康的影响.
  • 创建、扩大和保护海洋保护区.

Additional partners in the symposium include the Government of the Principality of Monaco, 世界卫生组织, 联合国环境规划署, 国际原子能机构, 摩纳哥海洋太阳城官网所, 法国国家科学太阳城官网中心, 地中海科学委员会, 欧洲海运委员会, 伍兹霍尔海洋太阳城官网所, 以及斯克里普斯海洋学太阳城官网所, 在摩纳哥阿尔贝二世亲王的大力支持下.

Co-author and marine toxicologist John Stegeman is a senior scientist at 伍兹霍尔海洋太阳城官网所 and director of the NSF- and NIH-funded Woods Hole Center for Oceans and Human 健康. Stegeman was joined by a team of colleagues at WHOI that included toxicologist Mark Hahn, 生物学家唐纳德·安德森, 以及海洋化学家克里斯·雷迪.

太阳城网赌平台 researchers also contributing to the report include Samantha Fisher, 詹娜μ, Hariharan Shanmugam, 加布里埃拉·塔吉安.   

“Our 全球 Observatory on Pollution and 健康 at 太阳城网赌平台 is extremely proud to have been able to partner with the Centre Scientifique de Monaco and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation to produce this report and develop the Declaration of Monaco,兰德里根说. "This work advances the mission of the Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society at 太阳城网赌平台 to use scientific research to benefit society, 它满足了教皇弗朗西斯的要求 Laudato Si” to care for our Common Home and to protect the poor and the vulnerable among us."

找到完整的报告 全球卫生年鉴 (DOI: 10.5334 / aogh.2831).

Ed Hayward |大学传播| 2020年12月