Production Lab Registration

Students, majors and non-majors alike, 在戏剧系制作的准备小组或运行小组工作的人有资格报名参加一个学分的实验室. You may register anytime up through the drop/add period. 我们建议所有参加演出试镜的人在本学期的第一个周末试镜后报名参加制作实验室.

戏剧专业的学生需要获得6个实验学分才能完成该专业. Students will be graded pass/fail for most labs. 注册实验室不需要经验,导师会传达该部分所期望的具体要求. There are no ‘majors only’ restrictions. 它是向所有人开放的,尽管有些地区需要教练的许可才能注册.


学生将根据课程编号注册课程来注册特定领域. (See course number designations and descriptions below)

Labs will be filled on a first come – first serve basis. 在早期注册期间,高年级学生将首先选择他们希望参加的实验室. 我们鼓励你在这个部门的四年里获得广泛的实验室经验.

有些实验是“仅允许”的,这意味着你必须从老师那里得到一个覆盖单才能参加这个实验. Such labs include being light and soundboard operators, assistant designers, assistant technical director, house managers, or other specialty offerings.

When all labs have been filled, which means all the prep and running crews are fully staffed, then instructors will have the option to override you into that lab later.


If you are auditioning, wait until the auditions are over to sign up.

Theatre Production Lab I

Prep Crews

准备工作人员在各个地区为六个剧院部门制作. Graded either A, C, or F by their supervisor.

THTR 1022: Costumes
Ten students
Quinn Burgess

THTR 1024: Electrics
Twelve students
Andrew Andrews

THTR 1023: Paint/Props
Eight students
Russell Swift

THTR 1021: Scenery
Eight students
Russell Swift

THTR 1025: Sound Design Basics
Four students
George Cooke

THTR 1026: Special Topics
By permission only
Department permission

Theatre Production Lab II

Run Crews

为六个戏剧部的作品在不同地区演出. Graded either A, C, or F by their supervisor. 太阳城网赌平台上限将根据该学期演出的需要而有所不同.

THTR 1012: Wardrobe
Six students (Fall) / ten students (Spring)
Jacqueline Dalley
服装部在演员之前到达,在演员之后停留,检查所有的服装. 这些工作人员帮助演员化妆,发型和困难的变化. Wardrobe crews must be able to be at all of the dress rehearsals, 一个部门的表现和罢工表明他们是被分配的. Assignments for the shows will be made in the first week of the semester.


THTR 1014: Electrics Run Crew and Assistant Lighting Designers
By permission
Andrew Andrews
Light board operators, spotlight operators, 制作电工和灯光设计师助理在演员之前到达,然后在演员之后停留,检查灯光并运行演出. 电气运行人员必须能够在所有的技术和彩排, 一个部门的表现和罢工表明他们是被分配的.

Assignments will be made in the first week of the semester. By permission only through the instructor.

THTR 1031: Assistant Scenic Designer
By permission
Crystal Tiala

THTR 1011: Scenery Run Crew
Seven students (Fall) /11 students (Spring)
Russell Swift
布景工作人员在演员之前到达,在演员之后停留,检查准备工作,并锁定舞台和道具. 布景跑的工作人员必须参加所有的技术和彩排, performances and strike for the one department show that you are assigned. Assignments for each show will be made in the first week of the semester.

THTR 1015: Sound Board Operator
By permission
George Cooke
声板操作员在演员之前到达,并在演员之后停留,为制作操作声板. Sound board operators must be at all of the technical and dress rehearsals, 一个部门的表现和罢工表明他们是被分配的. Assignments for each show will be made in the first week of the semester.


THTR 1039: Assistant Stage Managers
By permission
Elizabeth Bouchard 
舞台助理监督协助舞台监督完成他们的所有职责,并帮助演出的运作. ASM必须参加许多常规排练和所有的技术和服装排练, 一个部门的表现和罢工表明他们是被分配的. 每次演出通常有两个ASM,每次演出的作业将在上学期或导师允许的情况下提前完成. 

THTR 1016: Special Topics
By permission

Advanced Projects Lab

Student Production Staff

某些生产岗位需要大量的课堂准备和大量的时间投入. Students who register for these labs receive two lab credits, but must obtain faculty permission up to a year in advance. Graded either A, B, C, D or F by their supervisor. This counts towards two of the theater lab credits.

THTR 1042: Costume Designer
By permission
Jacqueline Dalley

THTR 1044: Light Designer
By permission
Jeff Adelberg

THTR 1041: Scenic Designer
By permission
Crystal Tiala

THTR 1051: Technical Director
By permission
Russell Swift

THTR 1045: Sound Designer
By permission
George Cooke

THTR 1049: Stage Manager
By permission
舞台经理在上一学年结束时被指派通过戏剧系管理六部作品中的一部. (See Elizabeth Bouchard for permission into this lab.)

THTR 1027: Special Topics
By permission