
我们的希望是, 在你的手中, this knowledge will raise the standards of care and opportunity provided to our nation’s children and 青年.


The first national guidelines to help K-12 学校s create successful approaches to deliver integrated student supports that address both in- and out-of-学校 barriers to learning — from hunger, 精神健康, to basic needs — were developed by a national working group.

As America’s 学校s close the third academic year impacted by the pandemic, parents and educators have seen the importance of cultivating strengths and addressing the needs of children, 青年, and families as a prerequisite to healthy development and learning. 

学校s are increasingly looking to better address the factors that impact students’ readiness to learn. These guidelines give educators a research-backed way to do just that.

太阳城网赌平台的赞助下,玛丽. 沃尔什儿童健康中心, these consensus guidelines were developed by leading experts in research and evaluation and practitioners from four of the nation’s most rigorously evaluated approaches to providing integrated student support: Building Assets Reducing Risks, 城市连接, 学校社区, and the New York City Department of Education’s Community 学校s program.

It is a first effort to encapsulate evidence-based best practices and define what high quality implementation looks like in the day-to-day functioning of 学校s. 随着时间的推移, as learnings from both research and practice continue to accumulate, 我们希望在指导方针的基础上进一步完善和发展.


An evidence-based approach for 学校s to provide student support by intentionally and systematically leveraging and coordinating the resources and relationships available in the 学校 and in the surrounding community to address the comprehensive strengths and needs of each and every student in a 学校 in order to help promote healthy child development and learning.


  • Students’ learning and wellbeing are increasingly impacted by the complex challenges of our time.

  • Children and 青年 are resilient and there is growing understanding about how to more effectively support healthy child development and learning.

  • Policymakers are doing more to enable 学校s to address students’ comprehensive wellbeing, including by creating conditions for systems of integrated student support.

  • 学校对创新和变革更加开放, including to developing systems to address the complexity of student needs and interests.

  • 基于证据的综合学生支持方法, which build upon the traditional student support function of 学校s, 提供行动路线图.
Evidence tells us that we need to both address students’ needs and cultivate their strengths and interests. Done well, it can transform students’ learning outcomes and lifelong opportunities.
玛丽沃尔什, 太阳城网赌平台的卡恩斯教授 & 繁荣儿童中心执行主任



Understanding what you already have, building consensus and trust, and determining a budget.

结构 & 人员配备

Establishing district- and 学校-level roles and responsibilities, 设计一致的策略, 结构, and personnel roles to activate a system of integrated student support.


Designing processes by which your students receive supports and enrichment opportunities tailored to their strengths and needs.


学校 & 社区资源

Identifying and organizing 学校- and community-based services and enrichment opportunities to facilitate appropriate and efficient connections to resources.

记录 & data

Creating a record-keeping solution that fits the resources of your 学校, 并生成数据以监控和改进实施, 评估影响.


为长期运行而设计, 政治, and financial viability of a system of integrated student support.

These national guidelines can help 学校s and communities implement integrated supports based on reliable research showing what is needed and what works for students to learn and thrive, especially underserved students whose families and communities have been hit hardest by the pandemic.
安娜·迈尔, 高级政策顾问,学习政策太阳城官网所
The 国家综合学生支持指南 provide a framework that any district, 学校, and community can use to implement this holistic approach to student well-being and success.
With more and more 学校 systems recognizing the importance of meeting the physical, 社会, emotional AND academic needs of ALL students in order for them to thrive, it is imperative that we offer for adoption by districts across the country clear guidelines that are grounded in decades of experience and evidence of what works. 我们的学生和家庭应该得到更多.
Significantly improving student and learning supports requires not only a vision for good 学校ing, 而是一种从这里到那里的方法. The mechanisms that constitute the operational infra结构 are critical drivers for effective implementation and systems change.
霍华德·阿德尔曼, Co-Director of the National Center for Mental Health in 学校s & 加州大学洛杉矶分校学生/学习支持中心