


Dean's Distinguished Scholar


弗拉德Perju is a professor 和 the Dean's Distinguished Scholar at 太阳城网赌平台 Law School. He has published widely in the areas of constitutional theory, comparative constitutional law, 欧洲一体化, 比较法, 和法学. 在太阳城网赌平台, Perju teaches a range of courses, 包括欧盟法, Comparative 宪法, American 宪法, 现代法律理论, 比较法, The Future of Constitutional Democracy, The Past 和 Future of the State, 11年级的法学.

十年来, 直到2022年, Perju served as Director of the 克劳夫中心 for the Study of Constitutional Democracy. 在那段时间里, the Center became one of the leading institutions for the study of constitutional democracy in world. 克拉夫中心的 档案 include many of the dozens of conferences, 面板, 项目, lectures 和 workshops that he convened under the aegis of the Center. A profile of his role as Director of the 克劳夫中心 is available 在这里.

Perju’s work on 欧洲一体化 was awarded the Ius Commune Prize, 和 his work on comparative constitutional law was selected for presentation in the Yale/Stanford Junior 教师 Forum. His article on constitutional transplants 和 migrations is among the most cited recent works in 比较法. Perju’s work on constitutionalism articulates a new dimension of public law that derives from the transnational interaction of constitutional democracies. Representative publications include "Cosmopolitanism 和 Constitutional Self-Government" (International Journal of 宪法), "Cosmopolitanism in 宪法" (卡多佐法律评论), "Proportionality 和 Freedom: An Essay on Method in 宪法" (全球宪政),以及“Elements of a Doctrine of Transnational Constitutional Norms" (International Journal of 宪法).

Perju’s work on EU law seeks to capture the radicalism of post-war European supranational constitutionalism 和 guide its future development. His recent scholarship on Europe includes “The Politics of Form in European Constitutionalism” (European 宪法 Review), “Against Bidimensional Supremacy in EU Constitutionalism” (德国法律杂志), “Dual Sovereignty in Europe? A Critique of Habermas’s Defense of the Nation-State” (Texas International Law Journal), “Reason 和 Authority in the European Court of Justice” (Virginia Journal of International Law),以及“On Uses 和 Misuses of 人权 in European Constitutionalism.” His 比较法 work includes studies on disability rights: “障碍, Discrimination 和 the Legal Construction of Disability in the European Union 和 the United States” (Cornell International Law Journal); comparative federalism: “Identity Federalism in Europe 和 the United States (V和erbilt Journal of Transnational Law); adjudication: “Proportionality And Stare Decisis” in Proposal for a New Structure (Cambridge University Press); 和 the theory of 比较法: “Constitutional Transplants, Borrowing 和 Migrations” (Oxford H和book of Comparative 宪法).

The President of Romania appointed Perju to serve on a Commission on Constitution Reform. Perju remains involved in Romanian constitutional 和 political development through scholarship 和 legal commentary. 后者是可以找到的 在这里 和 在这里 (英文)和 在这里 (罗马尼亚).

Perju was a visiting professor at Harvard Law School, taught as an External 教授 at the European Academy of Legal Theory (Brussels, 比利时), was invited to join LUISS (Rome) as visiting professor 和 has had multiple affiliations with the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies at Harvard. Perju is serves as Chair of the Section on 欧盟法律 of the Association of AmericLaw Schools, 和 is a member of the Good Lobby group that seeks to counter the abuse of power in Europe. He is currently on the editorial board of 欧洲法律公开 (Cambridge University Press) 和 on the board of advisors of the journal 强制法I-连接 – 克劳夫中心 全球 Review of 宪法.  

Perju has law 学位s from the University of Bucharest 和 University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, L.L.M. 学位 优等生 from the European Academy of Legal Theory, L.L.M. 学位 from Harvard Law School (学位 waived) 和 a doctorate (S.J.D.) from Harvard Law School. 在哈佛大学, he was awarded a Byse Fellowship, a Safra Fellowship in Ethics at the Kennedy School of Government 和 served as a fellow in the Project on Justice, 福利及经济.


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