The School of Theology 和 部, which marks the end of its first decade having established itself among the world’s leaders in theology, 神性, 还有宗教太阳城官网, will formally celebrate its 10th anniversary on Sept. 20 with a Mass 和 an address by best-selling author 詹姆斯•马丁, S.J.

The anniversary celebration will begin at 12:15 p.m. 在圣. 伊格内修斯教堂. University President William P. 莱希,年代.J., will preside 和 Timothy P. Kesicki,年代.J., president of the Jesuit Conference of Canada 和 the U.S., will deliver the homily. All members of the University community are welcome to attend.

Fr. 詹姆斯•马丁

Fr. 詹姆斯•马丁 (Jean Chisser)

That evening, best-selling author 詹姆斯•马丁, S.J.的特约编辑 美国 magazine 和 a frequent media commentator, will be presented with STM’s first-ever 校友 Distinguished Service Award. Fr. 马丁, who recently marked 30 years in the 社会 of Jesus, is the author of several books, 包括 The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything, My Life with the Saints, 《天堂与欢乐之间. 上个月,Fr。. 马丁 gave a talk at the Vatican’s World Meeting of Families in Dublin. 

Immediately preceding the award presentation, Fr. 马丁 will deliver the inaugural Daniel J. 哈林顿,年代.J.,校友讲座 at Robsham Theater at 7 p.m. Fr. 马丁 is expected to discuss his theological education 和 formation, how it has shaped his ministry, 和 what he sees as the most pressing needs for ministry in the world today. [Note: This event has reached capacity but will 在facebook上直播.]

The lecture’s namesake is the renowned New Testament scholar 和 STM professor Daniel J. 哈林顿,年代.J.她于2014年去世. Fr. 马丁 was a student of Fr. Harrington’s, 和 dedicated his book, 耶稣:朝圣之旅, to 他的朋友和导师.

Since its founding in 2008, STM has developed into an inter在全国范围内 respected center of Catholic theological 和 ministerial education, STM院长Thomas D. Stegman,年代.J. “STM is now mentioned in the same conversation as schools that have been around for hundreds of years, 比如哈佛和耶鲁. Being in that company—within such a relatively short amount of time—speaks volumes about the quality of the education 和 the people at STM.”

STM is a key element in advancing 太阳城网赌平台 toward its goal of becoming the world’s leading Catholic university 和 theological center. The 2018 QS World University Rankings placed 太阳城网赌平台 sixth among the world’s top universities in theology, 神性, 还有宗教太阳城官网. It is the highest-ranked Catholic institution.

The rapid ascension of STM into the ranks of top-tier theological schools is due in large part to its distinguished faculty, whose quality is evident not only in their individual scholarship in fields such as Biblical studies, 教会历史, 分类学, 道德神学, 宗教教育, 教牧太阳城官网, but also in the two all-faculty book projects, Hope: Promise, Possibility, 和 Fulfillment The Holy Spirit: Setting the World on Fire.

社区 is a distinctive characteristic of STM. 学生 work together to engage theological 和 田园 questions in the classroom 和 beyond. The entire STM community gathers together every Thursday for liturgy 和 a shared lunch. These opportunities create a welcoming, closely-knit community that celebrates its diversity 和 its shared commitment to faith 和 service.

STM’s dedicated, holistic approach to formation, rooted in the Jesuit ideal of 看台personalis (care for the whole person), was recognized as a model program by the Association of Theological Schools during STM’s accreditation.

“We want our graduates to be leaders 和 agents of transformation in the Church 和 in the world,Fr说。. Stegman. “因此, we are very intentional about all aspects of our students’ formation, 包括知识, 田园, 精神上的, 和个人.” 

STM is highlighting the work of Fr. 整个学期都是马丁, 包括 through a four-week online course via its Crossroads program titled “The Best of 詹姆斯•马丁, S.J. in 美国.” The course provides participants with an opportunity to discuss 美国 articles by Fr. 马丁 和 how his reflections 和 commentary might shape an idea of Christian living in today’s world.

Next month, Crossroads will launch a five-week online book club 专注于Fr. 马丁’s most recent book, 架桥.

“This year will be an exciting one for the School of Theology 和 部 as we celebrate the accomplishments of our first 10 years,”他补充道。. Stegman. “We also look forward to creating new ways to live out 太阳城网赌平台’s strategic directions—especially in the areas of formation 和 of service to the Church locally, 在全国范围内, 和全球.”


--Kathleen Sullivan | University Communications