


迈克尔·哈里斯 joined the Office of 学生运动员学术服务 (SAAS) in February 2018.  总监, 哈里斯在学术服务和学生运动员形成的各个方面提供战略领导,同时促进和加强BC学术和体育社区之间的合作. 作为BC本科学术官员委员会和体育部执行团队的一员, 哈里斯负责提供和评估提高学生运动员学业成功的项目和服务, 职业发展, 和幸福.  Furthermore, Harris also leads the 体育运动 Department's diversity & inclusion initiatives as the 体育运动 Department Diversity & 纳入指定人(ADID). 

公元前之前, Harris served as the 副主任 of ASPSA/导演 of 足球 学者 at his alma mater, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC).  在一系列针对学生运动员学术服务的大学改革之后,哈里斯回到了教堂山.  哈里斯在北卡罗来纳大学任职之前, 他曾担任马里兰大学学术服务和职业发展助理体育主任。. 在这个角色中, Harris provided leadership and oversight of the football program, the Gossett 足球 Team House Academic Center, 与学习 & 所有马里兰大学学生运动员的辅导服务.  在哈里斯任职期间, UMD橄榄球项目经历了前所未有的学术成功,达到了年度学术里程碑, 橄榄球NCAA APR公众认可, and the first recorded departmen-wide GPA average above 3.00.

哈里斯是全国学术和学生运动员专业协会(N4A)的个人认证成员。, 他已经完成了博士学位. 查尔斯·惠特科姆NCAA领导学院和N4A史蒂夫·麦克唐纳领导专业发展学院 & 经理.  此前曾在陶森大学和西卡罗莱纳大学担任领导职务, Harris has broad-based experience in student-athlete support services.  Harris is a 2003 graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 在那里,他获得了传播学文学学士学位:人际和组织沟通,同时在足球上写信.  他持有巴尔的摩大学麦里克商学院工商管理硕士学位. 

Stephen Darville

Stephen Darville



Stephen Darville 于2021年秋季加入SAAS.  他目前担任副主任,并在管理足球的同时监督史密斯家庭学术中心 & 男子篮球学术顾问,同时担任男子和女子击剑学术顾问.  他的职责包括与校园和体育部的教练和工作人员合作,提供有效的学生运动员培养服务.

太阳城网赌平台之前, Darville served as the 导演 of 足球 学者 at the University of South Florida. 在他的角色中, Stephen oversaw all aspects of the academic support structure for the USF football program. 除了, 斯蒂芬协调持续资格和报告过程,并监督用尽资格和前学生运动员的后资格计划.  在USF之前, Stephen served as an 学术顾问 for 足球 at the University of Maryland, the tutorial coordinator at Georgia Southern University, and as an instructing professor at Shorter University.  斯蒂芬是N4A的活跃成员, serving in multiple roles within the organization, and a two-time graduate of the Steve McDonnell Professional Development Institute.  

他持有田纳西大学体育管理理学学士学位(辅修商科)和体育心理学理学硕士学位, where he was a collegiate student-athlete on the football team.




艾米·摩根 于2011年9月加入SAAS.  摩根担任首席执行官. SAAS助理总监, providing Academic Counseling for the Women’s Basketball, 男子和女子足球, 女子曲棍球, 和帆船项目.

在加入太阳城网赌平台之前, 摩根于2003年至2011年在维拉诺瓦大学工作,担任体育学术支持副主任.  Earlier in her career, she held various positions at Rosemont College. 摩根就读于富兰克林和马歇尔学院, where she participated in volleyball for four years and graduated with a degree in Accounting. 摩根在天普大学获得体育和娱乐管理教育硕士学位.  Morgan and her husband, Cecil, reside in Norwood with their children, Isabella, Emily, and Bryce.





李Metzger joined SAAS in 2002 and has been an 副主任 since 2011. 在这个角色中, 梅茨格是棒球的学术顾问, 垒球, 排球, 男子和女子游泳和跳水. Metzger还为墨菲家庭太阳城官网中心的太阳城官网监视器提供监督,并为SAAS提供服务 & 学生运动员发展团队. BC的老兵, Metzger has previously worked with the 足球, 男子篮球, 男子和女子田径, 越野, 和曲棍球项目.  She also formerly oversaw the SAAS Tutorial Program for six years.  Metzger came to 太阳城网赌平台 from the University of California at Berkeley, 在那里她提供学术, 个人, and career guidance to a diverse population of student-athletes in 足球, 排球, 垒球, 长曲棍球, 游泳和潜水, 越野, 网球, 曲棍球, 橄榄球队和赛艇队.

Metzger earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Merrimack College, where she was a member of the Women’s Basketball team. She completed her Master of Science in Counseling, with specializations in College and Career Counseling, 旧金山州立大学(SFSU). Metzger played her remaining year of eligibility while in graduate school at SFSU. 她还曾在鳄鱼学术资源中心担任学术顾问,并在职业服务和领导力发展中心担任职业中心活动协调员.





帕特里斯Bouzan joined SAAS in 2010 and serves as an 学术顾问 for Men and Women's Ice Hockey, 曲棍球, 和女子田径赛 & 字段/越野.  博赞也是一名学习专家,为有学习障碍和/或多动症的学生运动员提供直接支持. 

Bouzan graduated from 太阳城网赌平台 with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. 另外, 她拥有咨询和人类发展教育硕士学位,主修运动心理学.A.G.S. 获得波士顿大学特殊教育专业学位. 在太阳城网赌平台之前, Patrice worked as a special educator at the middle school, 高中, 大学水平.





索菲娅贝茨 于2020年8月加入SAAS,担任助理学习专家,与足球和男子篮球队合作. In 2022, Sophia was promoted to Learning Specialist and 学术顾问. As a counselor, Sophia works closely with the defensive backs on the football team. 以她作为学习专家的角色, she provides learning support for the football team and some men's basketball team members. 索菲亚还负责指导项目,并协助助理学习专家项目和太阳城官网生助理项目. 索菲亚的角色, 索菲亚为学生运动员提供个性化的支持,以提高学习策略和促进学术发展. 她还希望与希望从事学生运动员学术服务领域的兼职工作人员建立关系. 在加入太阳城网赌平台之前, Sophia attended Saint Michael’s College in Vermont, where she studied secondary education and history. 2020年春季毕业, 她被太阳城网赌平台林奇教育学院的高等教育硕士课程录取, where she focused on developing her skills in the world of student affairs. 在索菲亚攻读硕士学位期间, 索菲亚利用她的特殊教育背景来帮助她发展学习专家的技能. 

2022年春天, Sophia graduated from the Lynch 学校 of Education with a Master of Higher Education.  




大卫·乔丹 joined SAAS full-time in September of 2022 after previously serving as an Academic Mentor. 他担任学术顾问 & 男子篮球学习专家 & 足球. 

Formerly, David was the 副主任 of the Reggie Lewis Track & 罗克斯伯里社区学院体育中心. He has also served as a Graduate Assistant within SAAS at Hampton University, 也是一名教师助理 & 韦兰高中足球教练,马萨诸塞州. He was also an Academic Mentor with 太阳城网赌平台 SAAS in 2019.

A native of Boston, MA, David graduated from Johnson & Wales with a Bachelor of Science in Sports/Entertainment & 事件管理. He went on to earn a Master of Science in Sports Administration from Hampton University. David目前担任Phi Beta Sigma波士顿校友分会的主席. 





凯瑟琳·斯蒂尔 于2022年8月全职加入SAAS. 她目前担任足球和滑雪队的学习专家和学术顾问. 在这些角色中, she provides individualized support to student-athletes throughout their careers at BC, 有助于提高学习策略, and provides organizational tools to empower academic success. She also coordinates the SAAS Writing Specialist program. 

在此之前,Steele自2016年起担任SAAS的导师和助理学习专家. She also taught First-Year Writing Seminar at BC since 2015, 自2017年起担任专业前顾问, while also previously teaching Writing and Literature at Newbury College. 斯蒂尔毕业于太阳城网赌平台,获得英语和历史文学学士学位以及英语文学硕士学位. 





玛迪达姆 在之前担任足球和男子篮球队的学术导师后,于2023年3月全职加入SAAS. 她目前担任学术顾问/辅导协调员与足球队工作. 

在加入太阳城网赌平台之前, 达姆曾在新罕布什尔大学担任负责学术支持的助理体育主任, where she oversaw all aspects of academics for the 足球 program. 

Damm earned her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Connecticut, where she was a member of the women's soccer team. She earned her Masters of Education in Athletic Counseling from Springfield College in 2020.





杰克鲍尔 于2020年1月加入SAAS. 鲍尔支持辅导计划,并担任学术顾问,为男子提供学术支持 & 女子网球,男子网球 & 女子高尔夫和女子赛艇项目. 在加入太阳城网赌平台之前, Bauer earned his Master of Education in Educational, 学校, and Counseling Psychology from the University of Missouri. Jake graduated in 2018 with a Bachelor of Science in Sports Management from Johnson & Wales University in North Miami, Florida, where he was an active member of the Men's Golf program.

He was awarded NAIA All-American Honors (2015-2018), NAIA年度男子学者运动员奖(2018), JWU北迈阿密运动员 & Scholar-Athlete of the Year (2017), and was recently inducted into the Johnson & Wales University 体育运动 Hall of Fame (2021).  


安娜 Pacella-Cerasani



安娜Pacella-Cerasani 作为办公室管理员, 管理日常运作, 包括兼职雇员工资, 记录管理, 数据输入, 采购, 还有办公室日历.